ODISHA POLYTECHNIC (OP) Kuruda Balasore, Orissa, is the premier private technical institution in the North Orissa region offering Diploma programme.  OP was established in the year 2015 under theOrganization ORISSA FOLLOW UP with the approval of AICTE, New Delhi , recognized by DTE&T, Government of Odisha and affiliated to SCTE&VT, Odisha with a motto to provide quality engineering education in a highly disciplined and ragging free environment as par international standards along with character building of students who will be able to stand up to meet the challenges of the present employment system of our country.

Board of Governors 

Prof.  Dr. Ganesh Narayan  Praharaj (Gold Medalist)

[ M.phill(Math),Ph.D B.Ed, L.L.B,PGDCA]

Managing Trustee cum Director 


Er. Susheel Ku. Dhal


Trustee cum Member 

Er. Panchanan Behera

[Diploma Engg. , MJMC Jurnalist ]

Trustee cum Secretary 

Mr. Nirmal Ch. Dhal


Trustee cum Chairman 


Civil engineering

Electrical  Engineering

Mechanical engineering